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Building a jet: Hobbyboss’ 1/48 AMX A-11A Ghibli- Please Have A Seat

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For some reason one of the things I have been looking forward to in this build is the ejection seat. I always thought a nicely painted seat looked kind of cool.

The kit seat looked OK, but I’m not a big fan of photoetch belts. They’re a pain to put on, and to my eye, they don’t “sell” as belts very well. I picked up a resin seat of the same basic type, Martin Baker’s Mk. 10, from Pavla. It looked good- much better than the kit seat. (Although I do think the shoulder belts are little weak looking.)

I downloaded the product sheet from Martin Baker’s website for the Mk. 10 to use as a color guide, and armed with Daniel Zamarbide’s Aircraft Scale Modeling FAQ, I got started. (I highly recommend that book. Well worth the investment.)

I basically followed Daniel’s method. Well, a simplified version. I started with painting it black, and then began painting additional colors. The frame was painted a dark grey. Seat pads were given shades of green. Some silver was added, the belts were painted, and after a gloss coat and an oil wash, I hit it with a dull coat.

It’s certainly not perfect, but I plan to continue doing jets. So hopefully the seats will look better!

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