If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.

MechatroWeGo from Hasegawa: “Ma.K-atroWeWent!”

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Every now and again it’s fun to take on a project for the sheer joy of it. This Hasegawa MechatroWeGo is the perfect kit for doing just that. I was inspired by ZakuAurelius and USA Gundam Store , who are conducting a MechatroWeGo contest. The deadline to enter isn’t until October 23rd, so why not jump on in?

The best part is the kit has two models in it, so it would be a great project for you and your kids, or simply someone you wanted to introduce to the hobby.

CHECK OUT THE DETAILS ON ZAKUAURELIUS’ SITE: https://www.facebook.com/ZakuAurelius/posts/2635066723373581

ORDER YOUR KIT FROM USAGUNDAMSTORE.COM: https://www.usagundamstore.com/search?q=mechatro


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