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Hasegawa 1/48 Typhoon Mk. Ib- Some Paint

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I’ve painted the Typhoon, well, most of what needs painting. I still need to add the yellow ID bands on the leading edges of the wings, and the black and white recognition bands under the wings.

I was quite pleased with how the paint turned out. For quite a while, I’ve been freehanding the camo schemes on RAF aircraft, trying to replicate the slight “feathering” on the real thing. Unfortunately though, my vision is not quite as sharp as it had been (thanks to a cataract!), so I had to fall back on masking off the schemes.

Maybe it’s just because it’s different than what I normally do, but I really like this. I think the next scheme I paint for an RAF WWII bird, I’ll use the “blue tac” method and see if I can get the precision of masking, and the feathering that can come with a slightly raised mask.

This is a great kit. Apart from Hasegawa’ insistence on using inserts for the cockpit area (which allows them to use the same fuselage for the car door and bubble top Tiffies), this kit has no vices. Great fit, great surface detail, and very enjoyable.

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