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Former Patreon Content: Hasegawa 1/20 Mk. 44 Ammoknight

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Over the years I’ve built some great kits. And certainly I have run into a few stinkers. But it is a fairly short list of the great kits that cross the threshold to “must build”.

Hasegawa’s Ammoknight series is just such a kit.

I picked the Mk. 44 variant for a couple of reasons. One, it looked cool. And two, it was fairly cheap.

I was initially inspired by Lincoln Wright’s Ma. K work, and I really enjoyed seeing his Mk. 44 come together.

The build was quite fun, and there are really no vices with the kit at all. It is one of those rarities that I think could simply be labeled “perfect weathering canvas” and that would be enough. It just begs to be weathered in interesting ways.

I released a series of videos on Patreon at the time, but also posted several blog entries about the build. It was only a few years ago but I guess i had more energy and/or time than I do today.

Get this kit. Seriously. It’s just a fun build, and you can make it look as beat up as you want. The Ammoknight will just sneer and say “is that all ya got?”


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