After finishing with the base paint for the A-A5 Speeder Truck, I set it aside for a bit before getting to the weathering. It wasn’t so much that it had lost my attention, but more to do with just the things we all deal with – a cold, recovering from wisdom tooth removal, and simply focusing on other things.
But as the old saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fond, right? So when I did get back to it, I was quite eager to do the weathering.
I turned the camera on, and began to film.
I hadn’t planned on the weathering part of the Speeder Truck series to be more than one video. But as I worked, I just kept having those “Oh yeah, and that reminds me….” moments. None of my thoughts are terribly original, but it seems with any technique, product, or method, there can be a million caveats. Things to be aware of, alterante processes, explanations of logic for the “why, were, and when” – which I’ve always maintained is as important (if not more) than the how.
As I began working on the video itself, and saw how much footage I’d shot, I had a choice to make:
- Resign myself to making a 2 hour video
- Edit out a ton of stuff that I thought might actually be helpful
- Split it into two parts
I decided to take the final approach.
I know from experience that I’d catch heat for making a long video, and for all the blah-blah. Not that it bothers me, as it really doesn’t. In fact, sometimes it amuses me.
But then I thought about what I am trying to do – help people enjoy the hobby and pass along what I know that might be useful. So I considered the people who don’t like that kind of video, and decided that there are plenty of channels they can watch that make 10 minute videos, or focus on how easy it is to paint by blowing acrylics out of your nose, or the Top Five Ways That Games Workshop Has Ruined The Hobby For Them.
I. Don’t. Care.
If folks don’t know by now that I make long boring videos that still might be helpful to some, I’m not their type of creator.
So here’s Part 1. It’s long, kinda boring, and packed with details and ideas. At least I think so. And I hope you do too.
Now I’ll get right back to it and get to work on Part 2!
Paints Used
Vallejo Model Color
- Black Gray
- Buff
Vallejo Model Wash
- Desert Dust
502 Abei-however you spell it
- Starship Filth
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