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Duncan Rhodes and Roger Yates! The Last Tuesday Show for February 2021

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This month I was so excited to interview Duncan Rhodes and Roger Yates from the Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy! I’ve enjoyed every interview I’ve done on The Last Tuesday Show, but I felt this one was special.

Duncan and Roger have been working together for years, starting with their days on Games Workshop’s Warhammer TV channel. Now that they are on their own, they continue as the “dynamic” duo of miniature painting.

Also featured in this month’s show are tips on choosing primer and pre-shade colors, masking your models, and a look at “relief valve” builds.

Duncan Rhodes’ Teaching Style

I have been a fan of Duncan for several years now. I enjoyed watching him paint Games Workshop figures from Warhammer 40K and Age of Sigmar.

Now that he and Roger are on their own, he’s branched out to include other franchises as well. Historical minis, Lord of the Rings, A Song of Fire and Ice, and many other scifi and fantasy figures are covered. And I can’t forget my favorite – anything from Star Wars Legion!

Duncan’s teaching style really brings the viewer into his process. It’s an inviting, instructional style that has been so very helpful to me. As I’ve talked about before, painting minis is not something I am comfortable with. But Duncan has been so very encouraging, and has really pushed me to step out of my comfort zone.

Even if you are not playing any of the games, painting minis is loads of fun. Duncan’s approach to getting detail to stand out can really be applied to any modeling genre, so I highly recommend check him out.

I hope you enjoy this month’s show! I certainly had fun putting it together. I’d like to extend a special thanks to Duncan and Roger for making time to talk with me.


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