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Building A Star Wars Base – Part 2 of Bandai’s A-Wing Starfighter

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One of the great things about building Bandai Star Wars kits is the fun of building a Star Wars base for them. Most of the fighter kits come with a really cool base that features loads of greeblies, bits, and lumps. Painting and weathering those is great fun.

The A-Wing Fighter is a special value, as it not only comes with a great base for the fighter itself, but also includes a really cool turret section also. The two alongside each other can make for a really cool display! (Check out a previous build I did of this same kit.)

A Simple Method For Building A Star Wars Base

I think with any model, a very nice look can be achieved simply by layering many simple techniques one on top of the other. That is the approach I took with this. None of the individual techniques are difficult, or require obscure or difficult to find products or tools.

Rather, it is that process of building it all up that helps to achieve a result that I think is greater than the sum of the parts. And because of the wonderful textures and shapes on this base, it really does result in a fun modeling experience.

Of course, all of that greeblie goodness can invite additional detailing too, and it only makes the final result shine even more.

But if you find the painting and weathering a bit intimidating – especially the weathering – try to do less instead of more. And then just add more of those “lesser applications” on top of each other. Instead of one round of fuel stains, try three more discrete one. And change the color slightly each time. Or rather than one round of drybrushing, try a heavier overbrush with a lower contrast color, and then add two more levels of drybrush, each more refined than the last, and each using a lighter color. The difference can be amazing!

Even if you can’t get your hands on one of the A-Wing Fighters, the other “alphabet soup” fighters have them – the original X-Wing, B-Wing, and the Y-Wing. I set up a search reminder on Ebay, and after several weeks, was able to get this A-Wing fighter at a really good price. So they are out there!

Whatever you build, though, if it is Bandai Star Wars, you’ll have a great time. I know I do. 🙂

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