If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.

Archaeopter Part 3 – Weathering and Finishing

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I’ve finished Citadel’s Archaeopter, and I’ve loved the journey.

Trying to identify the single best model kit I’ve ever built is difficult, because it is so subjective. But I can say that this one is in the top five easily. It’s simply a fun build, from opening the box to setting it on your shelf completed.

There have been plenty of kits that I thought would be fun, but ended up being a bit of a letdown. Many others seemed quite mundane, but proved to be gems. But from the first time I saw this available through pre-order, right up until I set it down and declared it “done”, this has been a diamond.

If anything, I was a bit down that I finished it. The process was so enjoyable that I was not ready to move on.

But move on I must.

Archaeopter And The Fun Of Citadel

If you’ve read my blogs about building Warhammer 40K, or watched my 40K videos, you’ll be familiar with my enjoyment of them. They truly are some of the most enjoyable kits on the market. Their unique look, crisp molding, and ease of assembly make them a great opportunity for any builder’s project. I don’t even play the game – but I love building the kits.

And if you’ve never checked them out, head on over to the Games Workshop site. You’ll find loads of weird, wonderful, and cool looking kits. Some can be quite expensive, but the “fun per hobby hour” ratio is very high, and I think it really does tip the scales in their favor.

The variety of kits is awesome as well – flyers, tanks, wheeled vehicles, figures, and all sorts of wonderful scifi options are available. And you don’t need to worry about accuracy either, as it’s all designed to be painted however you want. The photos on the box are really just suggestions.

Though the journey of fun for this kit is complete, I can take solace in a simple fact.

I have another Citadel Warhammer kit standing by. 😉


2 responses to “Archaeopter Part 3 – Weathering and Finishing”

  1. Tom

    Nice job Jon! I have received my kit and am in the planning stages while I finish another kit.
    I see this one as being highly influenced by Steampunk, if they had jet engines. I’m thinking of building mine that way. Lots of metallic surfaces and canvas wings, looks like lots of fun.

    1. Thanks so much Tom!

      I think you’ll really enjoy it – it has loads of character!

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