As I’ve worked on this TIE Fighter series, it’s given me time to reflect on the Star Wars “phenomenon”. I think 10 year old Jon would be quite happy to know that 43 years later, Star Wars is still around, I’m still watching it, and I’m still having fun.
While I can discuss the relative merits of the original trilogy versus the the prequels and sequels, I’ve realized that overall I enjoy the grand adventure of it all. Despite Midi-chlorians, Jar-Jar, the inability for falling down giant holes to kill a Sith, and so many other finer points of canon that get discussed… at some level I enjoy it all. It all goes back to that 10 year old, sitting in a theater in South Georgia, staring wide-eyed at the screen. He found it all quite fun, and so do I.
I hope this series about building Bandai TIE Fighters conveys the fun of it all. While we all want to do our best and achieve a great result, the underlying theme should always be the fun. These kits, in my opinion, strip away all the fiddliness and frustration that many kits bring to the table. If they had a voice, it’s almost as if they’d say “Just build me. And have fun.”
So give these Bandai TIE Fighter kits a try – any of them. And let the 10 year old in you enjoy it.
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