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Building Bandai’s Star Wars TIE Fighters – Part 2: Assembly And Base Painting

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As I’d mentioned in the first installment of this series, this build series has a dual focus.

While the kit being built is Bandai’s 1/72 TIE Striker from Star Wars Rogue One, the fact that Bandai’s TIE Fighter family are so close in engineering, it’s easy enough to discuss pretty much the whole line in this one build.

With the cockpit finished, this video looks at the steps required to assemble the model in a fashion that will make painting easy, regardless of which kit you build. Because Bandai’s kits fit so well, and are so easy to assemble, all that is really needed is an explanation for the overall process.

I also discuss the choice of colors for your TIE Fighter, and how they relate to the movies. A demonstration of acheiving a varied, mottled finish is also demonstrated using an airbrush.

No matter which Bandai TIE Fighter kit you choose, you’ll have fun with it for sure!


One response to “Building Bandai’s Star Wars TIE Fighters – Part 2: Assembly And Base Painting”

  1. Bob

    I’m A fan of Ban Dai Star Wars kits, Ban Dai altogether actually… Not such a fan of the movies. They’re alright but I just don’t take them so seriously that I feel compelled to be “correct” when building these kits.

    Whenever I finish a challenging build I’ll pick one of these kits up and do a “What if” build. Frees me up to be creative and have some fun.

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