If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.

Building The Moebius 1/32 Battlestar Galactica Viper Part 1: The Cockpit

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One of the memories that stands out the strongest from my childhood was watching Battlestar Galactica. While Star Wars was the cream of the scifi crop for me, it was in theaters. We didn’t have a VCR. So I was only able to see it a few times.

But BSG was different… each week I could watch that. And then reruns. So I’d get a good dose of star fighters whizzing about, dashing characters doing heroic things, and plenty of bad guys blowing up with an earth shattering kaboom.

I’d previously built this Moebius 1/32 Viper Mk. I about two years ago, and quite enjoyed it. (So much so that I built the entire “trilogy” – Mks. I, II, and VII.) When a friend sent a copy of the Mk. I to me, I decided why not do a video build of it?

This first part in the series covers the basic kit, and getting the cockpit ready for the fuselage. I decided to go against my nature, and use a photoetched set. While I found it to be fiddly as ever working with photoetch, it did turn out looking pretty good I think. And only a few paratrooper words were used in the process! 😉

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