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Trumpeter 1/48 F9F-2 Panther- Deh-kuls Are On

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I’ve added the decals to the Panther, using the kit markings. They performed very well, though I would have liked for the white markings to be a bit more opaque.

I’m not entirely happy with the weathering… I find working with this sea blue difficult. Contrary to what the guy in the nacho line at the IPMS Nationals said, the sea blue did show signs of weathering, and did have chipping. Even the briefest examination of photos in a basic Google search will show that. Yet executing those subtleties is difficult, for me at the very least. 

Still, it should end up looking half decent. And regardless of how it looks (which is my fault), the kit is excellent.

A little more weathering to do, and finishing up the ordnance, and this one will be about ready for a cat shot.


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