This model is actually a few years old, having been built in 2012. It has been in the display case at Hayes Hobby House in Fayetteville, NC most of that time. They decided to move some thing around, and add in some new stuff, so I brought it home. As I’d never taken proper photos of the model when it was built, I decided to correct that situation.
It is an awesome model to build. The fit is very, very good. I was actually able to add the wings and upper turret decking after painting, with no gaps or even cracks to fill in. It’s nicely detailed, and finishes out into a very nice model.
Normally I’m not satisfied with my builds, but this is one that came darn close to what I had pictured in my head. It was actually a “breakthrough” kit of sorts, as I was able to get some weathering techniques executed nicely on this one in a way that I had not previously been able to. So it is definitely a milestone.
I highly recommend this kit!

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