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Revell’s 1/48 F/A-18E Super Hornet- Time For Some Bug Spray

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The other night I was working along happily at my model desk, and a big old bug landed right in the middle of my work space!

Well…. a Super Bug, really. 🙂

The Revell 1/48 F/A-18E is just about ready for paint. I have to add a few more bits, and close off a few seams and gaps, but it’s mostly there. And it is a big airplane.

As with many jet models, the wings and fuselage comprise quite a few parts. The forward fuselage is a left and right half, but there are inserts for the areas forward of the windscreen and nose gear bay, and these prevent dealing with seams. Only the radome has a seam, and is easily dealt with.

The main fuselage has an upper and lower half, and they fit together OK. Just be sure if you build it to clean up all the joining surfaces. Lots of ejector pin flash!

The intakes are multipart also. Revell did a pretty good job of hiding any seams from normal viewing angles. Of course, you’ll always have a few who feel a jet lives and dies by the “seamless intake”. Whatever….

The gear bays are outstanding.

Joining all of these sections together results in an OK fit. It’s not great, but it isn’t bad either. I found that working from the rear forward helped. You absolutely must have those intakes aligned perfectly though, or you’ll have some additional seams to deal with. (Ask me how I know…)

Overall though, this kit presents no real problems. I’m really enjoying it.

Next up is the paint shop!

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