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Trumpeter 1/48 Sea Fury: A Hodgepodge Office

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I’ve started this Trumpeter Sea Fury for a commission build model. I had the choice of the Hobbycraft or Trumpeter kit, and after considering the issues with both, I settled on the Trumpy kit, primarily because I liked its surface detail, and I thought it would be a smoother assembly process. (And I had it on hand…)

The customer supplied me with quite a bit of various aftermarket parts, and I had the Aires cockpit in my box o’ stuff. I ended up using the Aires cockpit tub and sidewalls, Cooper Details instrument panel and rudder pedals, the kit control stick, and an Ultracast seat. The seat is actually a sutton harness version for the Typhoon and Tempest, but I figured it was pretty close- and looked far better than the Aires, Cooper or kit seats.

I’d read several sources discussing (OK, arguing) the interior color of the Sea Fury. I finally decided on black, because a.) one of the sources seemed to have reasonable research and logic, and b.) I think black cockpits look cool. So it may not be right, but it’s cool.

The resin set was supposed to be assembled as on module, and it would just simply, easily, and perfectly slide in place.


So I departed from the assembly sequence, put the sidewalls in place, and then began hacking plastic and resin until test fitting showed it all fit.

As a side note, I have come to the conclusion that resin manufacturers are optimists. They really think that their parts will actually fit. But I digress…. (and wait for the inevitable emails…)

Anyway… a coat of NATO Black (Tamiya XF-69, some dry brushing, some Vallejo paints to add additional color and detail, and a gray wash finished up the cockpit.

Next step will be to get the fuselage closed up.

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