My initial thoughts on this Revell 1/48 F-86D Sabre Dog….
Are we sure this isn’t a Tamiya kit?
It’s absolutely an amazing kit. The fit is not “Tamiya like”, as modelers often say. It’s a Tamiya clone. I’m simply astounded at how nice this kit is. Not what I was expecting from this manufacturer.
And for $15.
The cockpit is simple but nice looking. Instructions and some references showed the seat pads to be all red, but I found one cockpit photo showing the seat as yellow. I don’t know if it’s right- but I like it. So yellow it is. The finish is sort of a hybrid of my typical techniques- traditional dry brushing and washing- with a few newer techniques I’m trying out from the “Spanish School” of finishes. It’s not super obvious, as I’m still getting a handle on it. Bit I thought it turned out nicely.
The wheel wells were painted a darker green, so I mixed up a few Tamiya paints to get something that meets TLAR standard- “that looks about right”. The wheel wells are nicely detailed- very busy looking. I’ve seen resin sets that had less detail than this. Again- just an example of what an outstanding value this kit is.
Now it’s time to get the fuselage closed up and the wings on!
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