The cockpit is finished on this AMTech P-40L. The sidewalls, rear bulkhead and floor are from the infamous Squadrom “Limited Edition” P-40E bagged kit. But the plastic was actually a long-tailed P-40F/L, the resin wasn’t really made for the kit, and overall it was a bit of an embarrassment I’m sure. But they did sell out, so that got that going for them, which is nice…)
I picked it up mostly because for $20, the individual comonents were not a bad buy, and I knew I could make use of all of them. Some of the decals were used on a recent P-40E build, and now the resin and plastic are being put to use for this build. So it’s all working out nicely.
The seat is the always awesome Ultracast seat.
It’s all still a bit dusty on the inside, as I’m still treating the seams. But it’s progressing nicely.

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