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Build Report: Eduard’s 1/48 La-7 Weekend Edition

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You really can’t go wrong with one of Eduard’s Weekend Edition kits. The plastic is great, the price is excellent, and the quality is top notch. Their 1/48 La-7 kit is no exception to this. While it does not contain the photoetch, masks ad multiple decal options that their Profipack kits do, it is a great bargain and builds great right out of the box.

This is the second time I’ve built this kit, the first being back in 2007, and I thoroughly enjoyed it both times, even doing the same marking scheme!

Construction is very straight-forward, with no problems for the most part. I did use some Tamiya Basic Putty to smooth out the wing to fuselage join. The way the kit is engineered, the fuselage is placed on top of a single wing assembly, with the top of the wing being the cockpit floor. Adding some Tamiya Basic Putty to the join, and smoothing it out with a Qtip soaked in nail polish remover took care of the gap without any problems.

I painted the undersides Vallejo Sky Blue, thinned with some water and Future for airbrushing. The Future also greatly improves the adhesion of the paint to the plastic. Upper surfaces were painted with Tamiya XF-82 Ocean Gray 2 RAF and Tamiya XF-83 RAF Medium Sea Gray. No, these aren’t the correct colors, but they were on hand, and close enough for me. (I generally paint to TLAR standard… “that looks about right”. 🙂 )

The decals went on well, and I finished up with some airbrush shading and fading, oils for a panel wash and mud “splatters”, and a matte coat using Vallejo Matte Coat.

This is a great, simple kit that is a lot of fun to build, and it’s affordable. I highly recommend it!

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One response to “Build Report: Eduard’s 1/48 La-7 Weekend Edition”

  1. Nice build, I also did it some time ago and it comes together very nice. Gotta love those WE from Eduard. Thanks for sharing.

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